Benefit from Holydemia courses with our affiliate program. You can generate income by sharing our content in the easiest way.
Generate all the income you want without any limits. Take advantage of your social networks!
Check the number of courses you have left to benefit from each of your referrals.
Every time you accumulate more than US$ 50 in your account, you can request them and the payment will be sent to you on the spot.
Payments are made through PayPal. You must have an active account with this payment gateway.
The Holydemia affiliate program allows you to generate income by sharing the courses on our platform with your contacts.
The operation is very simple. Once you decide to participate in the program, you are assigned a unique code that you must share with your community. For each person who registers at Holydemia with your referral code you will get 10% of the cost of the first three courses that person buys.
The more people who register with your code, the more likely you are to generate income.
To participate in our program you must register an account in Holydemia. Once you access your account, you will need to link your PayPal account to Holydemia from Profile Settings.
When you have everything ready, you must click on the option Affiliate program located in the user's context menu. From this page you will be able to generate your referral code, control your commissions and request the income generated.