Catholic courses as good as the others,
but produced by our team.
Catholic courses as good as the others,
but produced by our team.
Taught by experts
Basics courses are taught by experts in the area.
Commitment to Evangelization
We donate part of the profits to charities that spread the Gospel.
Highly interesting topics
The topics are based on the real interests of our students.
Course taught by P. David Torrijos-Castrillejo
Este curso busca ser una pauta para adentrarse en el estudio del pensamiento de Santo Tomás, contextualizar su obra, adentrarse en la riqueza de su estudio, ubicarse en la extensión y variedad de sus ideas, así como también abordar las temáticas actuales desde la perdurable doctrina tomista.
Asimismo durante el curso conocerás al Santo a través de sus influencias, los lugares donde vivió y aquellas personas que le encaminaron a escoger sus campos de estudio.
Course taught by Gabriel Zorrilla de San Martín Gründel
En este curso adquirirás de forma sintetizada las nociones históricas y los argumentos dados por la Iglesia Católica para debatir y defender la fe cristiana. Haremos un recorrido por todos los temas más controvertidos del pensamiento humano actual para expresar una postura libre y desacomplejada del pensamiento eclesiástico.
Con este curso podrás profundizar en las raíces de tu fe, y además exponerla de manera eficiente a aquellas personas que te rodean sea cual sea su nivel de fe o condición social. Te ayudará a formarte como cristiano para desempeñar de una manera más real la misión evangelizadora que te haya sido asignada en la sociedad actual.
Course taught by Alberto Bárcena
El principal objetivo de este curso es darte a conocer de forma clara la historia de la Masonería y todas las condenas que la Iglesia Católica ha realizado a esta secta. Impartido por Alberto Bárcena, historiador y uno de los expertos más reconocidos en la Masonería a nivel mundial.
Gracias a este curso entenderás por qué la Masonería es totalmente incompatible con la Doctrina de la Iglesia Católica y comprenderás por qué las actividades masónicas están centradas hoy en día a destruir el núcleo de la sociedad: la familia.
Holydemia Basics is the Premium extension of Holydemia, where the courses are produced completely by our team. The purpose of Basics is to offer our students exclusive content, focused on topics of great interest to all Catholics.
At Basics we carefully take care of every aspect of each course we produce; from the initial approach to the final production. Our select team of professionals optimizes all the necessary resources so that the student obtains a fantastic learning experience.
Our team constantly does surveys that allow us to determine the current topics that are most important to any Catholic. We seek out the experts on each topic chosen by the people. We make every effort to reach out to these experts and to offer them the opportunity to share their knowledge with the rest of the world. The teacher sets out the structure of the course he/she is going to teach and we start recording. Lights. Cameras. Action!
You can take the course as many times as you wish. There is no limit to the number of views after purchase. Once purchased, the course is yours.
There is also no limit to complete a course. This allows you to have full control of your learning time. You can progress through the courses while you are on the train, traveling, on vacation... And to help you, we will save your progress so you can pick up where you left off last time.
Of course. Like all Holydemia courses that are fee-based, Basics courses come with a certificate of completion. Upon completion of the course, the certificate will be automatically generated for you to download and attach to your Curriculum.